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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by eloise Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:13 am

15th Pinoy Weekly Competition (due 11:59pm SATURDAY July 5, 2008)

(This week’s competition will end early to make way for the RCPO on July 5 and 6.)

1. B2 U' R' U R2 B U' R' D' F' U L U2 F2 U2 B2 U' L' D R2 D R D' B2 L'
2. D' B U L F2 D L D' L D' B L B R' B2 U2 F' D2 F D2 B2 U F U2 R
3. L D' B' U' B2 U' R U R' B2 R' U B' L' F' L2 F' U B L' U2 F2 L' U2 L
4. F2 R' D F R2 B U2 B' U F' R' U2 B2 U' B L2 B R2 U' F' D2 F2 L2 F D
5. L F' D2 L F' L F2 R2 U B D2 F D R F L' U' L2 U2 L U' R2 U' F2 U2

1. D R2 U L2 B2 D L2 D' F2 D2 L2 F2 L' F R' B D2 R' D L2 R
2. F2 D2 R' F2 L' U2 R2 F2 D2 R' F2 D' R2 B F U R2 F' L' B2 F
3. L2 R2 F L2 B' D2 B2 U2 F2 L2 D R' F' L' U' B F2 R U2 F2 D2
4. D2 U2 R2 B2 R D2 L B2 R' F2 D' F U2 L' B' R D L U' R' U2
5. L2 U' F2 R2 D L2 U R2 D2 F' D L U B R2 F2 D2 F' D' L' U2

(Fw, Uw, Rw, etc are double outer slice moves---that is, outer slice plus adjacent inner slice)

1. B2 D2 Uw U L' D B Fw' F U' L' Rw R' B' L' D U2 B Fw2 F' Uw2 Fw F2 Rw' Fw2 F' L2 B Fw F' L2 Rw' R U2 Fw2 F2 R2 D Uw2 U'
2. D' Uw Fw' R' B Fw2 F' Uw L B Uw L F2 U2 B' L' Rw R2 U2 Fw' F Uw U2 F2 U' L U2 L D Uw' U' Fw L2 Rw2 R2 Fw Rw R2 D2 Uw'
3. U' Rw U2 R2 B2 Uw F2 U' L2 Rw2 R2 D2 L Rw R' B Fw F2 L2 Rw' Fw' F U2 R F Uw B2 L' F' U R D Uw L Rw2 R' U B Fw F2
4. Rw2 B2 Rw R' D Uw U F' L' Rw2 R2 Uw2 U2 L2 Rw' U' B' F L2 Fw' Uw2 Fw Uw2 B2 F Uw' Rw' D' Uw2 U L R2 D2 Rw2 R F U Rw' D2 L'
5. B2 Fw' F D' B' D2 Uw2 U L B' Fw2 F2 R' D' U L Rw D' U' L Rw' R' U' F Rw2 D Uw U2 R' F2 L Uw2 L2 D' Rw2 R2 B2 D' Uw U

(Fw, Uw, Rw, etc are double outer slice moves---that is, outer slice plus adjacent inner slice)

1. L Uw2 B' L2 B' Fw' D Dw Bw L D2 R' D Dw Uw' B' Fw' Uw2 B Rw2 D2 L B2 Fw F2 D B F2 Rw' B2 Lw R2 D2 Rw' Dw Uw U L Rw D L' R Uw' Fw' D' L2 Lw F2 R' Dw' Fw' Rw' B' Fw Rw R' Fw' U' Rw' D2
2. Bw' Uw Rw' F Uw' U2 F2 D L2 Lw' D' Dw Uw' U2 Fw2 L2 Lw Rw' U2 L2 Bw' Rw' Fw2 F U Rw' Dw2 Uw2 L' Lw Rw' D' Dw' Uw2 Rw Fw' F' Dw F U' Rw2 Bw' Uw L' Rw R2 U2 B' Rw D' Dw' U2 Lw B Bw2 Fw F Uw' Lw2 Rw'
3. L Lw' Uw' Fw' L2 Rw2 D' Uw2 U L' R2 Dw R' B' Bw2 Rw Fw' F2 Lw' Bw Uw2 Lw2 Uw B2 Bw' Fw L' Lw' Rw R' F Lw2 Bw Fw' F L2 Lw B' F Dw2 Fw2 Rw' R2 Uw2 Bw Fw' F' R Dw2 Uw2 U' Rw Dw U' Fw' L Lw' R Uw' F
4. D' Bw L Lw D2 Dw Fw' Rw' Uw Lw2 D2 Uw U2 Bw' F' Lw B' U Bw2 Fw' Dw' R Fw F U Rw2 D Uw2 Fw' L2 Fw' D B Lw2 U L B2 L' Rw F2 L U2 Bw' D Rw' B Rw D' U2 Rw Fw2 L' Fw F' L D Dw B2 Rw' F'
5. F' D2 Uw' L' Lw2 Uw2 R U' L Rw2 R D2 U B2 F2 L B2 R' U2 F' Lw2 F' L' B2 U' L' D B D Dw2 U Bw U' R2 Bw L Uw Lw B Bw2 Lw F2 D' Dw Rw' B' Uw' F2 Lw' Rw F2 R' D2 Dw2 U' L Rw' R B' R

2x2x2+3x3x3+4x4x4 Relay
(2x2x2) U' F2 R' D2 F' L B L B2 U' L2 U' F2 U B2 D' F2 L' B D F2 R' B2 D' R
(3x3x3) L' B2 U2 R' B2 L' B2 F2 D2 F2 R' D L2 R2 F L' B' R2 D' U2 F2
(4x4x4) Fw' L Fw F' L2 B' Fw' F2 D Uw U F2 U' Fw' F Uw U F Uw' U' L2 Rw2 R2 B2 D Uw' U2 L R' Fw' L' Rw R' D' Uw2 U B' Fw D2 L2

2x2x2+3x3x3+4x4x4+5x5x5 Relay
(2x2x2) D R B R2 F' R' F' D2 L F' R2 U' L2 B L D L U' B2 L' U' L2 B2 L B'
(3x3x3) R2 B2 R' F2 R' B2 U2 L2 F2 R' B2 D2 R' D L' F' D' R2 F L R'
(4x4x4) L B' D Uw' B' D' Fw' F' Rw B2 F Uw Rw' Uw' B Fw L' F' D Uw U B' L2 R' B Fw' U' B2 Fw F' D2 Uw' U' B' Rw R F' L' Rw2 R2
(5x5x5) F Rw Dw' Bw' D2 L2 Lw Dw2 R B2 Uw2 B' Bw Rw F2 Lw R Bw2 Fw2 Uw' Rw2 R2 Dw' Lw' Rw2 R F2 Uw' F' D2 Lw Rw' R2 Bw' Rw' B Dw' Uw2 Rw' Uw2 B L' Lw2 Rw2 R' Bw L Dw B F' R2 D2 Dw U R2 Uw B' Fw U' L'

(D means all layers below the U face together in one move.
R means all layers right from the L face together in one move.
++ means 2/5 move clockwise (144 degrees)
-- means 2/5 move counterclockwise (-144 degrees).
U is the regular move of the U face, according to standard cube notation.)

R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U'

[(x, y) means: make upper layer align/stop at center fault line x times clockwise, make bottom layer align/stop at center fault line y times clockwise, turn right half of the puzzle 180 degrees]

1. (0,3) (6,3) (-1,0) (0,4) (-2,4) (0,2) (0,4) (-3,2) (0,2) (6,0) (0,4) (6,4) (0,1) (2,0) (-2,0) (4,1) (-1,4)
2. (1,-1) (6,-3) (3,3) (6,0) (0,3) (0,4) (-1,0) (3,0) (-3,4) (0,3) (0,2) (0,1) (3,0) (0,3) (3,0) (0,3) (3,4)
3. (0,5) (0,-5) (-3,0) (-3,3) (3,3) (0,3) (0,1) (-4,4) (2,1) (2,2) (6,0) (0,4) (2,0) (-2,2) (2,0) (0,4) (6,0)

(Small letter: Rotate a vertex piece, Capital letter: Rotate two layers at once.)
1. l r' U B' R B L' B' U' L B' U' L' R' B R L R L U' L R B L' U
2. U L B' R' L' B' U' L' B' L' R' L B' L B U L R L' U' B R B' R' L'
3. l u B L R' U L' U L' R L' B' R' L' B L' R B' U' L B R' U' R' U
4. l' r u U B U R B U B R U' R L B R' B L' R' U B' L' B R U'
5. l b u' U L' R U' B L' B' R U' B L B' R' L' R' B' L' U' L' B' U' B

3x3x3 OH
1. B2 R' F2 D2 L' D2 R2 B2 R' F2 U F' R' U2 F2 L' R2 F2 U B2 D'
2. L2 B2 D U F2 D' F2 R2 B2 F2 D' B U' F R' D' B' R D' F2 L'
3. F L2 U2 L2 B' F2 U2 B2 F L2 R B U' L U F U2 F' D U B'
4. B2 L' B2 D2 L2 D2 U2 B2 R D2 L U2 F' U2 B D2 L R2 D' R U2
5. D F2 D B2 D2 L2 F2 D2 U' B' F' L' D' U' L' D U2 R' B F2

3x3x3 BLD
1. U' F2 D' F2 R2 U' L2 R2 D' F2 D2 F' L2 D' F' L' R2 B2 D2 L U2
2. L' U2 R2 B2 F2 L' B2 R F2 R' F R' U' L' B' F' D' L2 U' B F2
3. R' F2 R' D2 B2 R' D2 L' F2 U2 F2 R D2 F L' R2 B U' R F R'

3x3x3 MultiBLD
1. U B2 R2 D' B2 U2 R2 B2 D2 U' F L R' B' D F' D F L' U' F'
2. U2 L2 F2 L U2 R B2 D2 R' U2 B2 F D' B2 U' L' R D'
3. D2 U' L2 D' R2 B2 R2 U2 B2 F2 R2 F' U2 R' U' B' R U2 L2 F D2
4. L2 D2 F2 D L2 F2 U' F2 R2 F' U R' D2 F R2 B L' F D F2
5. L2 U L2 D R2 B2 U' L2 U2 R2 U F D U2 R' D L' B2 D2 F R
6. D2 F2 L2 F2 L' U2 L U2 R F2 U' B R' D U2 R' F' L' U2 R2
7. F2 R2 D2 R2 D2 U' B2 F2 R2 D' F2 L' D2 F' U2 B U' B D' L2 U'
8. R U2 F2 L' F2 L' R2 B2 R' B2 D B' L U2 R D R' B R U F
9. R F2 U2 L F2 R' F2 D2 R U' B U2 R2 U L' D B U F' R'
10. U B2 D F2 R2 D R2 F2 U' R2 U2 F2 R' D U2 B U' B2 U2 R2 D2
11. L2 D2 B2 F2 D F2 L2 R2 U F2 U L' F2 D2 R' F R2 D' R' F U'
12. F2 U F2 U' L2 U' L2 F2 U' L2 D' R' D U' F L U2 F' U2 R2 D2
13. L R B2 R D2 L2 U2 F2 U2 R U F L' U2 B' D' F L' D' L2 R'
14. U2 L D2 B2 R' B2 L F2 R' D2 R2 U' L' F' U2 B' R D' U' L' R2
15. R' F2 L B2 R' B2 R' D2 R U2 B2 U' B' L2 D' U' L U F' D2 F2

Fewest Moves
Linear FMC:
F2 L2 D' B2 D' L2 D U' L2 B U2 R D' L2 U L' B' F L R

Classic 1hr FMC:
R' B2 F2 L' B2 D2 F2 L2 F2 R' U R' B L2 D U' B D R2 D' B2

Unlimited FMC:
F2 U2 R' F2 R' F2 U2 L F2 D2 F' L R' B' D L' F U F2 R F


Some pointers for FMC:
Linear FMC:
Time limit: 10 minutes.
You are allowed to use ONLY ONE cube and any writing material.
No virtual cubes allowed.
No return moves allowed. ex. R R’ counted as two moves, not cancelled

Classic 1hr FMC:
Time limit: 1 hour
Use any number of cubes and any writing material.

Unlimited FMC:
No time limit.
Use any number of cubes and any writing material.

• The metric to measure the length of the solution is Half Turn Metric
• The solution must not be in any way related to the scramble
• You should be able to give a clear explanation of the solution
• Time starts when you start scrambling your cube.
• Programs capable of computing for the solution are not allowed.

Some pointers for 3x3x3 MultiBLD
• You can choose the number of cubes you will be solving blindfolded
• If you choose to do ten cubes, use the first ten scrambles, etc.
• There is no time limit for multiBLD.


You can post your times any way you want. No need for videos etc, but if you have them, then post them if you want to.

2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, 3x3x3OH, Pyraminx: average of MIDDLE three
2-3-4 and 2-3-4-5 Relays: total time
Megaminx, Square-1: mean/average of three
3x3x3 BLD: best of three
FMC: total move count (plus the solution of course)
3x3x3 MultiBLD: number of cubes solved over total (ex. 12/13) and time

Don’t forget to include your name. Para sikat hehehe Razz

Competition starts now and ends on 11:59 pm SATURDAY, July 5, or until I post a new one.

Enjoy! cheers

Click here to view last week's results!

Last edited by eloise on Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:57 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : CLOSED)


Number of posts : 25
Age : 35
Registration date : 2007-12-09

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by popoy Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:16 am

Megaminx - 3:01:21 , 2:56.09, 2:49:58 = 2:55.28

Last edited by popoy on Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:07 am; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 708
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-01-02

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by omar Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:40 pm

Omar Lozada:




comment: ookay... so mahirap talagang bilisan... haha

Number of posts : 230
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Registration date : 2007-12-05


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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by Syalang Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:22 pm


22.41, (24.58), (17.50), 21.00, 22.11 = 21.84

Number of posts : 1178
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2008-04-06

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by supercuber Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:43 pm



Average: 00:32.61

5: 00:30.91
4: 00:28.77
3: 00:37.97
2: 00:32.29
1: 00:33.11

Number of posts : 208
Age : 37
Location : Bulacan
Registration date : 2008-05-11

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by basilcute Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:23 pm

average: 11.293 secs (ampangit nito!) haha!

*i suck sa 2x2...

average: 22.343

goodluck sa lahat ng participants sa RCPO08...

Last edited by basilcute on Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 258
Age : 33
Location : Iligan City (City Of WaterFalls) XD
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by paololzki Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:52 pm

Paolo Panganiban

( 21.08 ), 14.73, 17.44, ( 11.46 ), 12.55
Average: 14.91

1:47.67, 2:54.00, 2.58.43 -- SO SLOW!

Tom na megaminx Practice ko. heheh Very Happy

Number of posts : 1233
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Registration date : 2008-03-23

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by pepesmith Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:51 am

sq-1 1:44.84, 1:46.34, 1:18.22 = 1:36.50

3x3: 17.50,(18.00),15.02,(14.75),16.36 = 16.29

ang noob ko s position edge to correct layer amf... antagal,.... di ko p memo lahat...

Last edited by pepesmith on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added 3x3 times)

Number of posts : 413
Age : 31
Registration date : 2007-09-05

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by meaty21 Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:32 pm

jose paulo dela cruz


10.68, 8.05, 10.68, (12.03), (7.34) = 9.80


(16.22),(22.38), 20.34, 19.25, 17.15 = 18.91


2:54.02, 2:40.88, 2:42.55, (2:55.06), (2:31.27) = 2:45.82

2x2x2+3x3x3+4x4x4 Relay


3x3x3 OH
48.13, 45.71, (51.11), (37.19), 37.81 = 43.88

3x3x3 BLD

2:55.36, DNF, DNF = 2:55.36

multi BLD

2/5 = 55 minutes

Linear FMC

Moves: 61


cross: F2 L2 D' L' U' B2

1st F2L pair: L' U' L U y' L' U L
2nd pair: R' U' R d' R U R'
3rd pair: y R U' R' U2 F' U' F
4rth pair: L U L' d L' U' L

OLL: y2 R' F R F' R U2 R' d L' U' L

Pll: R U2 R' U2 R B' R' U' R U R B R2'

everything's average, excpet for the BLD, because i rarely get a sub-3 time. yey for this!!!
the multi BLD should have been a 3/5, kung tama lang ung undo ko ng set up move sa unang cube. kulang ng isang "D". bah. it's okay though. ^^

Number of posts : 216
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-01-20


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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by bonoan1027 Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:42 pm

My name is Rain Enzo Bonoan

Practice for the Phil Open

5.77, 5.30, 8.45, 8.68, 9.57
easy scrambles, eloise:)

20.39, 18.79, 17.36, 15.05, 17.62

1:51.82, 1:45.85, 1:52.30, 1:45.31, 1:58.80

3:54.67, 3:55.77, 4:15.53, 3:51.79, 3:27.66

2-3-4 Relay

2-3-4-5 Relay

DNF, 2:55.71, DNF

Multi BLD:
10:11.03 1/2 cubes

Linear FMC:F2 L2 D' B2 D' L2 D U' L2 B U2 R D' L2 U L' B' F L R

Cross: F' L R' B' D R2 6
F2L: F' U2 F R' U' R 6
F U F' U2 F U' F' 7
R U' R' U L U L' 7
U R2 U R2 U R2 U2 R2 8
OLL: y l' U' L U R U' L' U 8
PLL: x y R' U L' U2 R U' L F B U2 F' B' U' 13

55 moves

I lost to meaty in BLD by a few milliseconds!=))

Number of posts : 566
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Registration date : 2008-03-21

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty Re: 15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks

Post by luxyz Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:04 am

luis m.

3x3x3 BLD

2:56.84, 2:36.59, DNF

sabi na DNF eh.. ngkamali ata sa algo..hehehe sayang ang ganda pa naman nung scramble..

Number of posts : 90
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Registration date : 2008-02-16

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15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Empty 15th PWC Results + TOTAL for 1-15

Post by eloise Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:55 am

Here are the scores for the 15th Pinoy Weekly Competition:

15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Pwc_1511

Rankings for each event:

15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Pwc_1512

FMC Review

Linear FMC
Scramble: F2 L2 D' B2 D' L2 D U' L2 B U2 R D' L2 U L' B' F L R

Jose Paulo Dela Cruz

Move Count: 58 HTM (DNF)
cross: F2 L2 D' L' U' B2
1st F2L pair: L' U' L U y' L' U L
2nd pair: R' U' R d' R U R'
3rd pair: y R U' R' U2 F' U' F
4th pair: L U L' d L' U' L
OLL: y2 R' F R F' R U2 R' d L' U' L
Pll: R U2 R' U2 R B' R' U' R U R B R2'

Enzo Bonoan

Move Count: 55 HTM (DNF)
Cross: F' L R' B' D R2 6
F2L: F' U2 F R' U' R 6
F U F' U2 F U' F' 7
R U' R' U L U L' 7
U R2 U R2 U R2 U2 R2 8
OLL: y l' U' L U R U' L' U 8
PLL: x y R' U L' U2 R U' L F B U2 F' B' U' 13


And here's the total for all 15 weeks of PWC:

15th Pinoy Weekly Results + Total for 15 weeks Total_14

Last week's PWC is the last one hosted by me. I hope everyone had fun. Smile
The new PCA site has a link for a weekly competition but is still under construction so let's just wait for that.

Congratulations to everyone! cheers

And good luck at the RCPO!

Very Happy


Number of posts : 25
Age : 35
Registration date : 2007-12-09

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